How can we help you?

We are happy to answer questions about our services and procedures.

These are a selection of some common questions that patients have. If your question isn’t answered here, please contact our office. It’s important to us that our patients understand their dental care.

Invisalign and Orthodontics

We welcome patients of all ages to our clinic! We are happy to discuss your scheduling needs, so just give us a call and speak to someone from our friendly front desk staff!

We recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice daily using good technique. Our skilled oral therapists will be happy to review your technique with you and give you pointers to help you improve to get the most out of your home-care routine.

Teeth staining can have several different causes. Some of the most common culprits we see include:

  • Smoking
  • Drinking staining beverages such as coffee, tea, and red wine
  • Eating staining foods like berries and curry
  • Inadequate dental hygiene
  • Certain health conditions
  • Genetics

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